Sold into Marriage One Girl Living Nightmare edition by Sean Boyne Politics Social Sciences eBooks Online lesen Sold%20into%20Marriage%20One%20Girl%20Living%20Nightmare%20%20edition%20by%20Sean%20Boyne%20Politics%20Social%20Sciences%20eBooks
Online lesen Sold into Marriage One Girl Living Nightmare edition by Sean Boyne Politics Social Sciences eBooks EJF
In 1973 a sixteen-year-old Irish schoolgirl was sold into marriage by her father. Her groom was a farmer almost four times her age. Despite a pre-nuptial agreement guaranteeing that there would be no sex, her husband raped her repeatedly. He also beat her.
Although she made desperate pleas for help, the legal system, the police and the clergy failed to come to her aid. Sold into Marriage is the story of that girl's loveless marriage, as told to journalist Sean Boyne, her rape, subsequent pregnancy and suicide attempt and her eventual escape to London and freedom.
ebook,Sean Boyne,Sold into Marriage One Girl's Living Nightmare,The O'Brien Press,BIOGRAPHY AUTOBIOGRAPHY / Personal Memoirs,Biographies Memoirs,Biography Autobiography,Biography / Autobiography,Biography/Autobiography,Great Britain/British Isles,Memoirs,Non-Fiction,Personal Memoirs,Public Policy - Social Services Welfare,TEXT,BIOGRAPHY AUTOBIOGRAPHY / Personal Memoirs,Personal Memoirs,Public Policy - Social Services Welfare,Biography / Autobiography,Biography Autobiography,Biography/Autobiography,True Crime
Sold into Marriage One Girl Living Nightmare edition by Sean Boyne Politics Social Sciences eBooks Reviews :
In 1973 a sixteen-year-old Irish schoolgirl was sold into marriage by her father. Her groom was a farmer almost four times her age. Despite a pre-nuptial agreement guaranteeing that there would be no sex, her husband raped her repeatedly. He also beat her.
Although she made desperate pleas for help, the legal system, the police and the clergy failed to come to her aid. Sold into Marriage is the story of that girl's loveless marriage, as told to journalist Sean Boyne, her rape, subsequent pregnancy and suicide attempt and her eventual escape to London and freedom.
ebook,Sean Boyne,Sold into Marriage One Girl's Living Nightmare,The O'Brien Press,BIOGRAPHY AUTOBIOGRAPHY / Personal Memoirs,Biographies Memoirs,Biography Autobiography,Biography / Autobiography,Biography/Autobiography,Great Britain/British Isles,Memoirs,Non-Fiction,Personal Memoirs,Public Policy - Social Services Welfare,TEXT,BIOGRAPHY AUTOBIOGRAPHY / Personal Memoirs,Personal Memoirs,Public Policy - Social Services Welfare,Biography / Autobiography,Biography Autobiography,Biography/Autobiography,True Crime
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